I began my last semester of undergraduate today. During my two classes I didn't feel any pangs of nervousness or anxiety about the prospect of graduating, probably because it doesn't seem real to me without an accepted degree application.
But now it does feels strange, it's not the senior year of high school, can't wait to get out and into college feeling. It's more like what in the world am I getting myself into feeling. What do I do once this is over? I have so many choices and options its slightly overwhelming. Although I do still plan on attending law school, it won't be for at least a year, so what do I do in the meantime? Work on a graduate degree? Teach? Get some other sort of grown up job? I have no idea, I don't even know where to begin really.
But I'm sure all that knowledge will come as the semester wears on and the novelty of the beginning of the end has faded. It will be back to the grindstone of reading and writing papers, translating an ancient language and translating a language of symbols.
Who knows maybe I'll discover something else I want to do, or take a dramatic turn and go to pastry school. It's all just a couple of months away, yet far enough in the future that I'm not overly concerned right now.
Back to bed then, to start a new day, attend new classes, and meet new people.
Camilla: in Roman mythology, legendary Volscian maiden who became a warrior and was a favourite of the goddess Diana. According to the Roman poet Virgil (Aeneid, Books VII and XI), her father, Metabus, was fleeing from his enemies with the infant Camilla when he encountered the Amisenus (Amazenus) River. He fastened the child to a javelin, dedicated her to Diana, and hurled her across the river. He then swam to the opposite bank, where he rejoined Camilla.